Very Hard Quiz

This quiz is made up of ten questions and one bonus question, without multiple choice. This quiz is the hardest I can offer. It even stretches MY brain! Good luck! (You'll need it) Many of these questions were courtesy of Der Kommissar, and question 9 was borrowed from "outer space" on the Legends Forum.

Question 1:
Name the two temple victories in which the winning team did not enter the Shrine of the Silver Monkey at any point during the run.

Question 2:
Name the only episode where a temple spirit ended the team's run.

Question 3:
Name the only temple layout that had no victories.

Question 4:
Name the only Season 2 episode that had video footage during Olmec's legend.

Question 5:
In what season were the most victories recorded?

Question 6:
Name the two known episodes which temple runs were taped at a different time in the season than the rest of the show.

Question 7:
In how many episodes was a map the artifact?

Question 8:
Through many episodes of the first season, an gold box can be seen resting on the back-right in the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. Which episode was it featured as the artifact?

Question 9:
No contestants that entered this temple room ever won the grand prize. Name this room.

Question 10:
Name the only contestant to pass THROUGH nine rooms solo before reaching the room of the artifact.

Legends won a Cable Ace award in what year?

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